
The Neon Trend; Love it, or Hate it?

One of last year's trends that has carried into this summer has been the neon trend. Whether it be neon nail polish, or the newest neon lacoste polo, I just plain HATE the neon trend.
I hate neon nail polish, ESPECIALLY if your nails are long! It reminds me of my childhood and the freaky colours we painted our nails on halloween. Personally, I refuse to believe that even the most stylish can pull off this look. I can however, tolerate it on a pedicure, maybe as a fun colour for the summer season. To each his own right? Still, I will never personally wear neon nail polish, especially on my hands!

My alternative nail trend this season that I am totally loving, is the taupe nail colour. Last fall when grey was in season I was SO into that trend. Sadly, I could never find a grey that didn't have shimmer or scary sparkles in them! Rest assured, I am still on the hunt for a great medium-grey colour. (I found a great light grey colour from OPI called Moonlight over Mumbai)

I find the taupe trend really chic and city sleekish, but more summery than the grey trend!

(These are two great colours that I totally love and intend on buying)
As for neon clothes, don't even get me started. Enough said, they're just horrible. I mean SOME shoes (skater ones mostly) with neon accents can be cool, but anything other just plain haunts me!
That's a big enough rant for one night! Good night y'all :)

Photo credits to google :)

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